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Post #14

My Blogging Experience  Prior to this class, I had never created a blog. This experience was  extremely eye opening because I got to see and read different perspectives and add my own perspective and opinions on top of it. Like I've written in a previous blog on confirmation bias , as citizens it is our responsibility to share our thoughts for other people to see so long as what we share has factual evidence.  Writing these blogs has also opened my eyes to how many topics I was not aware of in the past and how critical many of them are. Topics such as security, privacy, and our online presence are ones that I genuinely enjoyed researching and blogging about. I tried including my own personal opinions within each blog, without bias or uncited evidence.  More specifically, writing about myself and how much of an impact social media has had in my life made me realize how much of myself I was giving out for ANYONE to see and how we cannot take things back. The smalled slip up

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