Post #7

Free Expression: Individual Self-Fulfillment

Individual Self-Fulfilment (Self Actualization)- Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity-- and in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency, and autonomy. 

Since 1791, we have had the privilege of having the First Amendment. Unlike numerous countries and cultures, we as Americans have a right to express freedom of speech, freedom from religion, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition. This amendment basically gives us the ability to say, do and practice anything we wish as long as we are abiding by the laws. But not only is it a rule on a piece of paper that allows us to tweet the President of the United States how good or poorly of a job he’s doing. This amendment is the reason we are who we are. As Americans, having the privilege of the first amendment is a right that is often overlooked but is one of the most important factors of how we portray ourselves through appearance, art, education, ideas or words. 

The importance of freedom of expression mainly revolves around the fact that it shapes us into the human beings we are and will be in the future. We, as Americans, get to be whoever we want to be just because of it. Freedom of expression also “underpins most other rights and allows them to flourish” (Index on Censorship). Being able to express ourselves freely sets up the basic structures for our development, making it that much more crucial as a part of growing up. It is a fundamental human right and requirement to reach our full potential. With that being said, individual self-fulfillment itself is the basis of who we consider our selves to be due to the first amendment.
