Post #2

My 5 Picks for News

1. BUZZFEED: Buzzfeed has to be one of my top favorite sources for keeping up with popular culture news. This website offers news about the latest trends in fashion, media, trends and almost every aspect of social media itself.

2. E! NEWS: Similar to Buzzfeed, E! News discusses all the latest news on celebrities, gossip, drama, and entertainment. Being that our current society is so obsessed with keeping up with the biggest celebrities and social media influencers, this website gives nearly every detail on what we should know.

3. SNAPCHAT: Most people use snapchat as a way of communicating through images of friends. But Snapchat has a lot more to offer than snaps and streaks. The news feature on Snapchat has a tremendous variety of news through articles and videos, including NOW THIS, NBC News, Cosmopolitan, New York Times, ESPN, and so on.

4. SNOPES: is one of the most useful and understandable research websites that I have come across throughout my college career. Since confirmation bias and "fake news" has become a huge aspect of our cultures knowledge, Snopes pulls popular and trending articles and directs it, informing the reader of its validity.

5. NBC NEWS: I often struggle on finding a news source that has a way of making news interesting enough for me to read. I am not sure why, but NBC news has been a political source I find myself repeatedly reading. It has articles for both sides of the political spectrum, making a non-informed reader such as myself intriguing.
