Post #4

No Host at the Oscars

For the first time since 1989, there was no host this year at the Oscars. It was originally supposed to be hosted by Kevin Hart, but he did not end up doing it because of multiple complications. When it was announced that Kevin Hart would be hosting, a past contraversy was re-sparked about his "homophobic" actions from 10 years ago. 
Hart had apologized in the past, but was now given an ultimatum- either apologize again or a new host will be found. Rather than apologizing and continuing as host, the comedian did not feel like it was his place to put negative energy towards the show and stepped down.  

Many thought that no host would result in a disaster of an awards show, but it actually ended up being quite the opposite. The whole show flowed very smoothly, and there were no points where a viewer could see someone was needed to help the transitions between performances and presentations. This Oscars also seemed to be very fast-paced, which may have been due to the lack of a host or maybe just because the production team wanted to be extra strict this year on the three-hour time limit. This awards ceremony was definitely different from the others that I am used to, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. I think that no host at the Oscars allowed people to focus on what was actually important and what the show truly tries to capture. Viewing it myself, I was able to focus on the performances and listen to winners’ speeches, all while still being entertained. I think this years’ Oscars is going to be a trailblazer for many other awards shows in the future, because they are now able to see that they can have a successful show where the viewers are entertained, without even having a host.
